Save Plant

Water. Plants. Biodiversity.

During this time of climate uncertainty, it’s important to realize the role plants can play to help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Plants are important because they provide habitats for wildlife and humans. For example, many species of birds rely on trees and shrubs for habitat, whether they live in the crevices of trees or build nests on branches. Unfortunately, habitat loss is considered one of the causes for species endangerment and extinction. Forest ecosystems continually face deforestation in the form of fires, clear cutting for agriculture and ranching, and unsustainable logging. 

And its not just us, our yoga mats and all products are also on a mission and are doing amazing work towards planet conservation. For every cotton yoga may you purchase Maitreya plants a tree. We would love for you to become a part of our journey with your purchase, and by spreading the word about us within your circle. Cause TOGETHER WE CAN make this world a better place for our future generation.

Our tree plantation drive happens every 3-4 months, and everyone who purchases from us will be informed via email about when we will plant the tree against your purchase and where we will plant the same.

Save Plant

We are protect the  Environment 

Cool Number

Numbers of Tree
We are growing in
Multiple city

Donate a Tree

One dollar. One tree. One planet.

As we are a start-up and small business based in Kanpur our products are made of organic cotton with plastic-free packaging. We want to make the world plastic free and as well greener. We have made the policy of planting a tree on every product sold as well people can donate for planting the extra trees. We will plant trees in our local areas at the first and then in overall the city. 


Kanpur is one of the largest industrial towns in North India, on the Indo-Gangetic plains, and the largest city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, with an urban population of over 3.5 million. The World Health Organisation (WHO), in May 2018, declared Kanpur as the world’s most polluted city. The notoriously rising levels of air pollution in Kanpur in recent years have made it even worse for its inhabitants to breathe. Emissions from vehicles, proliferating tanneries and coal burnt by industry combine to produce a toxic cocktail of air pollutants in Kanpur.


Also, the high levels of humidity in this region contribute to the formation of secondary aerosols that remain suspended over the land-locked region. Hospitals in Kanpur have seen a spike in diseases such as bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia — a result of air pollution — in recent years.


Relying on the role of trees in cities is vital not only for air quality at the local level but also to reduce pollutants. Trees can clean the air and remove toxic airborne particles and gaseous pollutants. It improves the quality of the air in the micro-climate around the trees and leads overall to a safer and cleaner environment overall. Trees are also soaking up toxic carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. For one year, an acre of mature trees consumes the same amount of carbon monoxide emitted by a 26,000-mile car journey! Apart from cleaning the air for us, trees provide us with fresh oxygen to breathe. 


There is no question that making eco-friendly yoga products is our number one priority.   Lucky for us, made right, organic cotton is both the most eco-friendly and best performing yoga mat you can get.

We Plant a Tree for Every product Sold

Second, we are committed to giving back to the earth with every product sold. We want to leave the earth a better place than when we found it. As Maitreya products come from trees, we decided to give back by planting a tree for every product sold.

India.-based Production

Third, we make our products in the India. Given the many new stories we hear about tainted products coming out of China (where almost all other yoga mats are made) as well as working conditions there, this was not a hard decision for us. With India based production, we can be sure of what is going into our products– as well as how workers are treated. “Indian made” still means a lot to us. It also means quality. While dollar costs may be lower with mats made in China, it is just not worth it.